How To Store Keif In 5 Easy Steps

What Is Keif?

Keif is also known as keef, dry sift, or hash. It’s a cannabis concentrate made by separating the trichomes from the plant material. Keif is a popular among cannabis consumers due to its potency and versatility. Keif is about 50% THCA compared to dried flower around 20% THCA.

In this article we’ll provide some tips on how to store it properly.

How To Store Keif

Once you collect keif, you must store it properly. This ensures the keif maintains it’s THCA potency and aroma freshness. Here are some tips on how to store keif:

1. Keep it dry – Keif is susceptible to degradation by moisture and humidity. To prevent your keif from becoming wet or clumpy, it is important to store it in a dry environment. Avoid areas of high humidity and moisture such as shower bathrooms.

2. Keep it cool – Keif is sensitive to heat because it degrades it through oxidation and release of the aromas. It is important to store your keif in a cool, dark place. A refrigerator or freezer is a good option. But make sure the keif is stored in an airtight container to prevent it from picking up moisture.

3. Use an airtight container – Moisture can degrade keif. Glass jars with airtight lids are a good option. Like a mason jar. These will prevent the keif from coming into contact with air or moisture. If you store keif in the refrigerator or freezer, use a vacuum-sealed bag for best practice. It will prevent the keif from picking up any moisture.

4. Avoid exposure to light – Keif is sensitive to light, which degrades the potency and quality through oxidation. To prevent this, store your keif in a container that blocks out light. Amber-tinted glass jars are a good option. They will protect your keif from light exposure by blocking the UV waves.

5. Vaccum seal – If you have a vacuum sealer, it’s the best vessel to store keif in. This removes all air and oxygen from contacting the keif. This is the bets way to prevent degradation over time.

Bonus – If you vacuum seal your keif, try freezing the keif for long term storage. Keif that’s vacuum sealed and frozen stays fresh for a long time. When you are ready to use frozen keif, be sure to let the bag reach room temperature before opening.

How To Make Keif

There are a few ways to make keif. The main idea is separating the trichomes from the plant material. Here are a few ways to make it:

  1. Dry sifting
  2. Ice water hashing
  3. Dry ice hashing
  4. Agitation in a kief box
  5. Rubbing flower between your hands

The resulting keif is a fine, powdery substance rich in cannabinoids and terpenes. It’s color ranges from off white to dark brown depending on the strain.

Final Thoughts

Keif requires proper storage to maintain its potency and freshness. Keep keif dry, cool, and away from light. If you follow these easy steps, you can ensure your keif remains fresh and potent for as long well over 1 year!

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