How to Recover from Edibles

If you’ve ever eaten too much cannabis, you know that the aftermath is not always fun. You feel out of control, paranoid, and generally uncomfortable. The good news is that there are ways to recover from an edible hangover quickly.

You can take a detox pill to boost your THC metabolism, work out or even take a nap to help your body rest. Staying hydrated and eating something are also good ways to recover from weed edibles.

Follow along as I discuss these and other tips on how to recover from edibles so you can get back to feeling normal in no time.

How Long Do Edibles Last?

How long weed edibles last will depend on a few factors including the strength and type of edible. Generally, edibles can last anywhere from two to six hours and sometimes even up to 24 hours.

Note that the weight, metabolism, and tolerance levels of the person ingesting the edible will also play a factor in how long it takes for them to feel the effects.

How to Recover from Edibles

Wondering how to get over a hangover after ingesting too much cannabis? Here are 5 tips to help you recover faster:

1. Drink plenty of fluids – Staying hydrated is essential when it comes to recovering from edibles. Drinking a lot of water and electrolytes can help flush the cannabinoids out of your system more quickly. Try Gatorade or Pedialyte.

2. Eat some food – Eating something with fat can help reduce the intensity of the effects. Try snacking on something like peanut butter or avocados to get some much-needed nourishment in your system and combat those munchies.

3. Take a nap – If you’re feeling overwhelmed, take some time and let yourself rest. Napping can help your body reset, reduce stress levels, and make you feel more in control.

4. Go for a walk – A little bit of exercise can do wonders for recovery from an edibles hangover. Going for a light walk or jog can help clear your head and get some fresh air into your lungs.

5. Use some detox pills – Another quick way to get over a weed hangover is to take detox pills. This supplement helps your body flush out the cannabinoids faster so you can recover quicker.

Do Edibles Work Less on a Full Stomach?

Edibles don’t work less on a full stomach. It will only take longer for you to feel the effects. Eating a full meal before ingesting cannabis edibles can help slow down the digestion process, resulting in a more gradual onset of effects.

How Long Does an Edible High Last?

How long an edible high lasts will depend on a few factors, including the dose and strength of the edibles. Generally, the effects can last anywhere from two to six hours, or even up to 24 hours in some cases.

The duration of the high also depends on the individual’s metabolism and tolerance level.

Why do Edibles Last Longer than Smoking?

THC enters your blood much slower with edibles since it must pass through your digestive system. This is why the onset time is longer than smoking.

The onset time is faster with smoking because the THC enters the blood stream immediately through the lungs.

The pharmacokinetics of edibles (the science word for onset speed) looks like a gradual hump over time. Versus that of smoking looks like a sharp peak that hits right away then disappears.

How Long Do Edibles Stay in the Body?

The THC from edibles can be detected in a blood sample for 3-4 days after ingestion. It can stay in the urine for up to 30 days and in the hair follicle for up to 90 days.

In conclusion, if you’ve ever accidentally eaten too many edibles, don’t worry — there are ways to recover from weed edibles quickly. Keep these 5 tips in mind when it is time to recover from edibles, and you’ll be feeling better in no time.

What are Edibles Made with?

The most common cannabis concentrate used to make weed edibles is distillate oil. Distillate is nearly pure THC and already in the activated form.

Some brands use Live Resin to make edibles, but the Live Resin must be activated first by heat (decarboxylation).